Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Wrote This For You.

No, I didn't write this, but it's for you anyway.

"But if we kiss, it will end the world. And I've ended the world before. No one survived. Least of all me."

"Tell me one true, real thing that brings me to my fucking knees that I've never heard before and I'm yours."

"So if you can't stay, walk away slowly. Rip the plaster off bit by bit. Because I'd rather feel that than nothing at all."

"And there are thousands in the crowd outside everyday. And they love me. And I don't care. Because they're not you."

"Sometimes I touch the things you used to touch, looking for the echoes of your fingers."

"I let the clock face the mirror so that each second takes me closer towards you. Instead of further away."

"You can see the far blue edge of forever behind distant suns. Yet, nothing's that clear here, and I'm sitting right next to you."

"And if you can't say yes, answer anyway. Because I'd rather live with the answer than die with the question."

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