Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Prisoner's Dilemma

So we were demonstrating the game theory in class today. Each person was required to choose either 6 or 9 points. The rules were:

1. If <10% of the class chooses 9, then people who choose 9 will get 9 participation points and people who choose 6 will get 6 participation points.
2. If >10% of the class chooses 9, then everyone gets no points.
3. Anonymity.
4. No communication/collusion.

If you understand the game theory, you'll realise there are a few schools of thought.

People will choose 9 because if they do, they have nothing to lose. If they're lucky and <10% chooses 9, then they get 9 points and are better off than everyone else - it's anonymous anyway and no one knows which selfish bugger was the one who did. If not, then no one gets anything and they still don't lose out.

People will choose 6 because hopefully at least 90% of the rest of us choose 6, so that we can all get participation points. Doesn't matter if they lose out by 3 points to some people, at least everyone gets points. Apparently, this is the 'greater good' choice.

9 was never a choice for me. I never even realised the rationale for people choosing 9 until it was explained after the whole thing.

The results were exactly 50-50.

We also discussed ethical issues and this came up - "Do what you want, just don't get caught." I'm guessing this is what goes through the mind of those who chose 9. Since it was anonymous, reputation etc didn't matter. But for me, even if I don't get caught, my conscience will bug me to no end.

Sometimes I wish I had less morals.

But hey, I think i'm on the way there.

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