Friday, February 5, 2010


After the audition just now, the four of us [Tee Wee, Jian Wei, Junyi and myself] sat at Can B and chatted for a while. Lots of funny random stuff as usual, and touched on the topics of relationships and life in general.

And although I always complain about how long-winded Tee Wee is and stuff, I really respect him a lot. That wasn't always the case though. When he first took over from Fabian, I couldn't get used to his leadership style. Over the course of last semester and this one, he's proven his capabilities and gained my respect.

Not just on club matters. He has a lot of interesting/meaningful stuff to say about life and his words make me reflect. That, along with his leadership style, make me feel like he's the club's 'dad'. [Fabian was too soft.]

Today, I walked home feeling much more relaxed :)


piNk^maRo said...

:) smile more...

Loretta Sze said...

You read my blog?! o_o;

Lol thanks :) Your words helped too <3

piNk^maRo said...

haha. just happened to find my way here. LOL!
nah.. I didn't say much. but agrees with TeeWee a lot :)
He really has a lot of things going through his mind. very matured person :)