Thursday, February 4, 2010


I don't even know a word for it.

I see my father about twice or thrice a year, for like three days each time. He doesn't seem like my father any more. He doesn't even know how to write my name.

But how can I blame him? Mom chases him out when he's back here. And not even by talking to him - she writes notes. They haven't talked for about the past 8 years. Heck, they haven't talked for about the past 10 years; the last of it was more yelling than anything.

I wonder how much more shit I can take before I explode again.

Maybe things will get better after this week [deja vu].


[0502100104] STOP ASKING ME TO BE THE MESSENGER DAMNIT. "Tell your father this." "Tell your mother this." TELL HIM/HER YOURSELF. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.


Samantha Lee said...
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Samantha Lee said...

Things will get better babe

Loretta Sze said...
