Sunday, May 9, 2010


I slept at about 5 expecting to wake up really late because I was damn tired.

First I woke up at 7 plus because of a stomachache. Went back to sleep. Woke up again at 8 plus because of a nightmare. Cried. Went back to sleep. And now, I just woke up because of another nightmare. I'm getting a little tired of crying.

I dreamt I was in my room and waking up. It was dark already and I was shocked that I had slept in till so late. I got up and tried to find out the time. I can't remember what exactly happened in sequence; I just know I was just trying to get out of my room and was really afraid. Phone disappeared. Doorknob disintegrated when I tried to open the door. You know. Nightmarish stuff.

And I was just screaming, "Mummy, mummy, please help me!" But there was no voice.

It may seem silly to you. But you don't know how afraid I am of being abandoned/alone.

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