Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Some time to myself.

The house is dark and empty, but I feel okay. An improvement from last time.

I chose to spend my free time reading old blog posts and IWTFY. And today, these are some of the IWTFY quotes that I really feel.

"And as we touch, I can never tell if you are touching me or I am touching you."

"I held on. Thank you."

"Get the bedding and the pillows. Get a mattress too (we'll need all the sheets in the house). We're going to build a fort. And it's only going to be big enough, for just me and you."

Just got reminded to go look in IMDb for the train quote from Inception. I also found this.

Ariadne: Why is it so important to dream?
Cobb: Because, in my dreams we are together.

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