Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cool. Somewhat.

Okay so something really scary happened just now.

J was driving back from school when some weird grinding/crunching noises started coming from the car. We had heard them earlier on when we went out to JP for lunch but ignored them. On the way back from lunch the car had started to overheat but was fine because we weren't going very fast nor far away.

This time we were on the PIE and the noises started happening again, along with the overheating. They were getting increasingly frequent even though we slowed the car down. It came to a point when the sound just wouldn't stop, and the message thingy on the car actually went into emergency mode and said, "STOP!"

Scary can. J pulled over at the road shoulder and when we stopped, the engine was spewing smoke and some liquid was spilling out from the bottom of the car. We quickly got out of the car and tried to call for help. Honestly I was panicking so much I was close to tears. I mean, we were in the middle of an expressway at 11pm with a smoking car that had stuff leaking out of it, and neither of us knew what to do.

To cut things short we eventually got a tow truck and it sent us to somewhere near the car repair place. Took a cab back from there.

Kinda cool thinking about it now. Only because we're safely home and all. But yeah :)


So it turns out that the water tank was loose. There we go.

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