Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where I am and where I have to be.

11 Dec, Saturday - AA304 exam
Progress: Not the best but still okay, considering I haven't skipped any lessons so far.
Plan: Study for it while studying for the quiz next week, and the few days before the exam.

16 Dec, Thursday - CS100 exam & AA306 exam
Progress: CS100 - Am screwed for lecture attendance since I don't bother going anymore; already finished studying for it last week. AA306 - Fucked.
Plan: Mug AA306 consistently over the entire stretch. CS100 read again just before the exam.

22 Dec, Wednesday - AC208 exam
Progress: NIL. Like really NIL, because I didn't go for a single lesson since i'm technically exempted from all the lessons.
Plan: Mug starting from the end of everything, and hope that this doesn't lead me to the end of everything.

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