Saturday, December 25, 2010

More hollerdays.

Well... Yesterday didn't go as smoothly as planned. We built a fort and played Dungeon Hunters 2 inside it, yes, but because of all the pillows and mattresses we moved around, we got allergic reactions to dust and stuff.

Meeting and petting Longcat on the way to J's didn't help either. Subsequent plans were scrapped to make way for the recovery of swollen eyes and leaking noses.

Hope today will be better.

Oh by the way, if you haven't noticed, i'm only trying to keep a record on what my holidays have been/will be like. There are a ton of things I wanna do :)


J's mom: Korkor, wake up and pack your room!
J [in his sleep]: Don't worry Loretta will decide.

...Thanks for thinking of me as your maid even in your sleep -_______-

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