Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Went out to watch Confessions with J and his friend Kevin. And his friends. Then went to town for a while. Spent some time at SS and saw Michael at Danz People heh. Thinking of whether I should go take House again.

Then came back and watching Hana Yori Dango season 2. Part of it, anyways.

Moar later.


Came home so I could do some stuff of my own. Like waxing my legs and stuff. Also got a haircut, had photos printed and checked out some potential suppliers. Had dinner at home, so I saved food costs :)

And wrote. Writing really helps me express and feel my emotions properly. It's nice to stop being numb to everything, but makes it more difficult to protect myself. Oh well.
Because feelings include hate.
I just tapped the spacebar twice in an attempt to type a fullstop.


One of the potential suppliers replied me. I'm kinda excited that i'm finally doing something about the plan I had.

We're getting ourselves drunks. Jboyfriend, Jbro and myself. Jboyfriend and I were going to go clubbing, but I got into a fight with my mom and we ended up coming home. He stayed with me even though he had really wanted to go clubbing. Thanks baby.

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