Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today I have managed to screw up at least a bit in everything I did.

This is the second blog post i'm writing today. Both times, I have managed to accidentally push my mouse aside to mouseover the 'show desktop' button which makes my IE window disappear. While this causes no harm at all, and possibly only half a second of my time, it annoys me to no end considering that I have succeeded in doing this 2 out of 2 times when I never do this on a usual basis at all.

I decided to wash the dishes. Simple task, really. I did it so I could feel at least a little useful. Yet I can let soap water run down my arm while trying to put the dishes back up on the rack. Again, I don't usually do this.

Stitched a small felt plush donut this morning. It took me ages, the thread slipped out of the needle twice, knots appeared where they weren't supposed to, I realised how I should have done it in a much more efficient way only after I was halfway done, and the final result looks ugly.

Get kicked on L4D2.

I hate how my life recently just seems so full of fail. I wish I could just pick myself back up like I used to be able to do, but it's difficult when I screw up even the simplest of things.

Just ignore this. Srsly. Because if you're going to question me on this rant, you're only going to add on to my list of FMLs when I realise i'm so bad at talking I can't even explain things to you.

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