Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why you don't play team games with better people.

It's impossible to learn.

As usual I was playing L4D2 versus online. And of course, me being the n00b I am, wasn't doing a fantastic job.

Person X: Hey u ok? U ok?
Me: I'm just kinda new at this game.
Person X: U need to go hospital?
Me: To cure what, your sarcasm?

Game carried on. Did some okay things. Did some not okay things. It wasn't even like they were doling out instructions, just carried on like it was expected that everyone would know what everyone else was thinking. So I just went on doing the things that I thought were appropriate. Hospital-guy continued going on about the hospital thing, and at one point shot me till I died.

Eventually I got kicked. What a waste of time. The only thing I learnt from that is that even though you can be nice, apologize and everything, some people are just dickheads.

Should probably download MapleStory again.

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