Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Pon & Zi by Azuzephre Happy? Not enough. It's totally a mix of joy, gratitude, nostalgia, relief, and so much more.

I met up with my poly friends for dinner today. It was merely for a few hours, but i felt genuinely happy. At moments i practically felt like crying out of joy. The feeling of familiarity that they provided me with was overwhelming, particularly at a time when i'm feeling so out of place and foreign in my new school [which, honestly, isn't exactly new considering i've been there two months... that just makes things worse].

They find it surprising that i'm unable to really fit in. I find it surprising too. It's not like i didn't make an effort. Maybe it just isn't enough.

Okay i don't really want to flood this blog with laments and stuff. I just wanted to mention how happy and thankful i am, to be able to hang out with my dear friends again :)

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