Thursday, September 25, 2008

Too many things i want to say

But not the right time to say it. It's something that i've been thinking about for a very long time; possibly ever since i even started, but i just let things be. Okay, i'll stop beating around the bush.

pas·sion /ˈpæʃən/ [pash-uhn]
a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.

hob·by1 /ˈhɒbi/ [hob-ee]
–noun, plural -bies.
an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.


And many of the things i want to talk about currently boils down to this one point:
Dancing is my hobby. It was when i started, it still is now, and as all hobbies do, it may or may not continue into the future. All that matters to me is - I enjoy it, so i do it [in line with Thorndike's Law of Effect].

It's just that i'm surrounded by people who have an awesome passion for dance. Naturally there's this certain pressure to keep up; not in ability, but interest. When i try too hard, i start to detest what i'm doing. Then it kinda loses the whole point, doesn't it?

I like dancing. I like House, i like Locking, and i like Popping. But i guess my liking isn't enough to grow into something more than a hobby.

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