Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dilemma dilemma :(

Introduction of New Minor in NTU - Minor in Risk Management and Insurance

This minor in RMI prepares students to apply modern risk management knowledge and skills in various financial and insurance areas. This is essential under today's rapidly changing and more integrated business world, where organizations, financial institutions, and governments encounter different kinds of risks such as market, operational, technological and catastrophic risks.

Howhowhow. Psych or RMI?

Psych is like my obvious choice but RMI's gonna look good on my CV [because unfortunately Psych has nothing to do with my area of study -.-]. I'm not gonna be taking B&F because every other Accountancy student wants to do that. Zzz.

Aiyah Minor in Psych and go out take a Real Estate/Financial Advisory course -.-

1 comment:

athithi said...

Join the club . Even I was faced with the same dilemma minor in Risk Management or Psychology . Then finally decided that psychology is just my interest while Risk is more for my career . So I have decided on taking a risk minor and have decided to just go and sit in the lectures for psychology just to learn and satisfy my interest . Hopefully we might be course mates next sem . All the best for your exams . Seeya