Sunday, November 23, 2008

Last lap.

Although it doesn't feel like it.

Ever since 'O' Levels, i never really felt the end-of-exams rush because there wasn't really much to be excited about. Poly was entirely fun, even through the studying for exams. I'm not really in the habit of restricting myself from everything just to study, and then unleash after exams. I can't really control myself in such a way.

Before exams i slack. During exams i slack. After exams i slack. What's the diff?

I can't say i didn't work considerably harder in poly than now, though. It's a stupid choice, because in poly, if you're good, you're probably average already. In uni, if you're good, you'd better buck up because everyone else is better.

Obviously, i'm not doing that. I'm not motivated enough to.

One more freakin paper tomorrow.

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