Monday, November 24, 2008

Power to give powers.

You know they always ask, "What would you do if you could [insert power here]?"

Like fly, and stuff.

What about if you had the power to give powers to people? Who would you give them to, and why?

I'd give the power to fly to Joey. So she can fly to America to live with her boyfriend :D
I'd give the power to heal to Yvonne. So she can heal her father :)
I'd give the power to control fire to Quil. For obvious reasons.
I'd give the power of genius to Geraldine. Because she's already somewhat there. Lol. But she's still mugging, so if she has this super power she can mug less, and find a boyfriend :P
I'd give the power of force fields to Benedict and Mom. Because they have been protecting me for so long, it's just right for me to return the favour :)

I'd keep the power to teleport for myself. So i don't have to spend 4 hours travelling to and from school everyday =/

Just a few random powers that i thought up of. I'm sure there's a lot more, but there's only so many i can think up of when it's 2.25am and i'm supposed to be studying for my paper later.

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