Monday, February 16, 2009


If only we were born knowing what we wanted in life and how to go about getting it. I don't think it's much different being born physically old and regressing, or the right way around. Both seem to just peak at a point in adulthood and go back down again.

To be born with the wisdom of what made [or would make, in the case of regressing] a life worth living seems to be much more important than that.

I guess that's where the phrase 'Life can only be understood backward, but must be lived forward' comes from.

Am i doing the right things? I'm living life great now; i'm loving each moment. These few days i constantly ask myself, "Would i be happy if i died now?" It's either i've lost the concept of death, or i've really lived to no regrets. I certainly don't fear it.

Movies will only be movies. Things are just not as simple as they portray. Although there's the life i want to live, there's also the life i have to live, which i haven't been living, and which i have to catch up with now. I'm still a student after all, and i haven't been fulfilling my role as one.

Yeah i'm pretty sick of studying. I can't be so many things at once.


Haze is getting worse. Yesterday morning i couldn't see Pulau Ubin out my window. Today i can't even see Pasir Ris Park.

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