Friday, February 6, 2009

Lol dope.

After class today, i went for a talk by a speaker from EY. Yong Kai was there too. After that he said he was going back to his hall or something, and i went to have lunch at Can B with my classmates.

I bumped into Fabian at Can B; he was buying his food and i asked him to help me buy too lol. Thanks Fabby ^^ Then Yong Kai called and said he was coming over with a truckload of food. Just as he reached, Fabian had just finished buying food, so i went to help him take, and when we both turned back to face Yong Kai, Esther was there too.

Mini SWu meeting -.-

Lalala i'm happy. Feels like i'm momentarily surrounded by all my friends in NTU because my classmates and one OG mate was there too :D

I'm just slacking here in the lab waiting until 4pm so i can go and prepare for the audition later. Not sure if i actually hope for us to get through or not =X

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