Sunday, February 1, 2009


Lately, KS and i have been talking about getting married and having a family. I mean, we've talked about such stuff for years, but recently the plans are getting more concrete.

It made me realise how serious we were about this relationship, and about each other. We've never done stuff like breaking up and patching back; the closest we ever got was perhaps to take a break from each other for a while to discover what we really wanted in a relationship. Even when our quarrels get very heated, we never mention wanting to leave each other.

Yes, we do think of doing so, but we never really said it. I'm glad we're both people who can think about relationships in a mature, sensible way, even though this relationship is the first for both of us.

A friend asked me how i knew i loved him. I told her that if anything happens to him, i'll be very worried. But that's not just it. It's so much more. I enjoy being with him, even through all the horrible arguments particularly during his NS years. I certainly can't live without him. And after all these years, we've moulded ourselves to be perfect for each other. Even though we're so different, which causes many misunderstandings and problems, our love for each other has kept this relationship alive.

Compromise, but not to the extent that you are blindly sacrificing.
Respect each other, no matter how different you may be; show understanding.
Trust yourself, trust each other, trust the relationship and its future.

Love. The more you give, the more you will receive.

Cross-posted to Spycks.

1 comment:

-end- said...

so when is the wedding?