Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Potential interview scenario

Interviewer: Everyone's got a degree nowadays. You're all the same. What makes you stand out?

Ta: My outstanding perseverance.

Interviewer: Hah. Elaborate.

Ta: For a certain period of my school days, i used to travel 2 hours to school everyday, reach at 8.30am and work till i leave school at 10.30pm, and spend 2 more hours travelling home again. I reach home after midnight and start my homework, sleep at about 2am, then wake up at 6am again for a repeat of the cycle.

Interviewer: You're expected to lead this kind of lifestyle when you're doing audit work you know.

Ta: Yes, but at least audit work doesn't last for 3 months straight.

I'm hoping this schedule tones down a bit after the two performances this week, but i highly doubt it. Please give me the strength to overcome all this.

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