Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I can't wait :D

To go to Pulau Redang with the family and boyfriend. Epic beach photos again! :D Fantastic snorkelling in awesome waters. Woots!

Then Taiwan the following month with the boyfriend <3 Advanced 5th anniversary celebration and birthday prezzie for me. All the sightseeing and shopping ^^ Can't wait can't wait.

Still looking for people to go with us for the Taiwan trip though. It's more convenient to travel around in fours. Any couple wanna go with us? :D

I broke my high score for Spot The Difference on Facebook! Reached level 11 wahhh xD Almost double my previous score. And if you might have noticed, i also got a high score for Bejeweled Blitz :) So yay, i'm finally gonna stop playing that [for the month at least; which is more than enough to accomodate exams].

Each day brings a new bunch of crap, but that's okay. There's more to do in life than just wallowing in misery :)

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