Sunday, May 24, 2009


Went to Sentosa with the babes today. No photo post because we agreed to keep the photos confidential.

Anyway after a few random conversations about F.R.I.E.N.D.S, i decided to take several quizzes to see which character i would be most like, since i think i don't quite fit any of the stereotypes. Here are the results.

Joey: 3
Chandler: 6
Ross: 0
Rachel: 0
Monica: 1
Phoebe: 0



Samantha Lee said...

in conclusion, you're chandler with an element of Joey inside you. Woohoo! And no, i'm not Rayyyychellll...

Loretta Sze said...

So i'm 2/3 witty and 1/3 dumb -.-

Oh yes you are ;D