Monday, May 25, 2009


Okay, so i know we should all move in when we're in an MRT or a bus, but i don't think it's that difficult trying to maintain a comfortable distance between you and the person next to you.

I mean, if i can do that without holding on to a railing/handle, why is it that the person next to me, who's holding on to the railing, manages to keep brushing her arm against mine, no matter how i continuously move away? The more i move away, the more she advances. It's not even like she can't feel it. It's skin against skin. Unless her nerves are dead or something. Gah.

I'm fine with people standing very close to me. I'm even okay with clothes-to-clothes, or clothes-to-skin. But NOT skin-to-skin [unless people happen to be squashed against me while they're trying to let others pass]. That's too close for comfort.


By the end of the whole train ride i wanted to beat someone up -.- If i asked KS, he'd probably let me whack him. I'm not sure about now though; we often wrestle for fun, but the only time we actually sparred [which was ages ago and will probably never happen again] i just stood there like a block and he was happily kicking away. It was in front of the entire class and it was unfair. He's black and i was what - green at that time?

Blah. Anyway. I don't like talking about our TKD history -.- Which is, unfortunately, where we met, so it's unavoidable. Ugh.



Samantha Lee said...

I had that experience in the MRT too. Felt like slapping or punching someone after that.

Loretta Sze said...

People either have very poor balance or a certain need to feel the presence of others around them.