Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yes, i've started training for it. I know it's a little late, especially since i'm taking forever to progress, but i'm gonna do it no matter what. Here's my plan to train up, as well as to keep fit and lose some weight.

Monday: Swim
Tuesday: Jog
Wednesday: Not sure yet. Maybe House :D
Thursday: Jog
Friday: Swim
Saturday: House
Sunday: Cycle

It's just a tentative plan, but i hope it'll work out. I've been jogging on Tuesdays and Thursdays already, and i'm planning to swim at my uncle's condo. Hope they allow guests to use the pool frequently =/

As for cycling, KS and i have a few plans in mind. This weekend we're gonna start by cycling to Changi Beach. The next time we'll probably cycle to East Coast through the Bedok park connectors like we did previously. And after that, probably East Coast via Changi, which is a longer way. See how la :)

Since i've only got 3 months, i can only make a rough plan for now. 7km by mid-June, 14km by mid-July, so by mid-August which is the run, i should be able to do it fine. Not fantastically, but at least i'll probably finish before they end the whole race.

Diet-wise i'm trying to cut down on carbohydrates, as well as have smaller meals throughout the day. It's not exactly working now since i keep meeting up with friends for dinner and we'll always eat a lot. Oh well.

It's almost Wednesday. Mid-week already :)

Will be at Redang next week, so it's gonna be sun, sea, and snorkelling!

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