Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ever walked into a place that used to be as familiar as home, only to realise that you've become a complete stranger? Was it the place that changed, or was it you?


Make one mistake. Be condemned for life.


Some things i'll never forget [just some thoughts i had this morning when i woke up].

When Yuxiu came to have lunch with me last year, when i was working at Novena Square. I was in a whole new environment and trying to get used to it, and the familiarity she provided was very comforting. It was probably just a small thing to her; she'd only dropped by while going to Orchard, but i was really grateful for her company for that short hour.

When Sharon cycled over to my place one night, and we just lay on the slides at the playground, looking up at the sky, and talked about life, goals and aspirations. The things she said really made me think.

When Yvonne called me before i went on my Hong Kong trip a few years back. She told me i just had to hold on to the phone. She prayed for my safety. I'm not sure if this is something she does for all her friends, but i was really touched.

When i was very young, probably about 7 years old, and lying in bed one night. I overheard my parents quarrelling. My mom said, "One day, i'm going to divorce you." She kept her word.

I have too many memories with my top 7 to single out any one to mention. Sorry.


House =/= home.


House session soon :)

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