Sunday, May 31, 2009


I went to the John Little Expo Sale yesterday with KS, and we came out with 4 items totalling $75. He was shopping for stuff for our Redang trip, and i was just seeing what i could get.

I basically went crazy over Animal stuff. KS bought me this bag yesterday. Was $69, now $29. It's green :D I was contemplating buying this or another bigger nicer bag which was $89 slashed to $29 so it was much more worth it, then decided that i didn't really need such a big bag.

But then i couldn't get that bag out of my mind. It was hot pink on black and super nice. So i decided to go back again to get it. When i went back with Quil, there was only one piece left, and i realised it wasn't nice as i thought it was. Instead, i got the same bag in a different colour/design, which is the one above. It's huge; i'm using it for my trip later as well as Taiwan :) The colours are actually brighter than in the picture. Was $89, now $39.

And yes, my wall is dark pink. Deal with it.

They had NUM stuff on sale too. I got Justin this shirt. Was $49, now $25.

I actually didn't get this pair of shoes from the Expo sale. I saw it there first, but they didn't have my size so i decided not to get it. A little sad though, because i like it quite a lot. Then when i went back to White Sands to get dinner, they were having a sale there, and i spotted this pair of shoes again. They had my size! See, what should be mine will eventually be mine anyway xP

I also bought a pair of Animal shorts [was $59, now $19], but i've already packed it in that huge bag of mine, so i'll post pictures when i get back from the trip :)

1 comment:

Samantha Lee said...

oh god you're so lucky to be able to do shopping! I can't even find the time for myself =(