Friday, June 5, 2009

Let the pictures do the talking.

Sunday night was spent travelling on a cold coach for 8 hours. It was supposed to leave at 10pm but got delayed for an hour. Subsequently when we finally reached the jetty to take the boat to Pulau Redang, we heard that the boat had broken down. Thankfully it was either not true, or not our boat.

It was different from the last time we went. There were significantly more boats than previously when we were there several years ago. That meant a deterioration in marine life. Sad ah.

The rest of the days were pretty much spent suntanning, swimming, snorkelling, eating, and sleeping. We stayed at Coral Redang Island Resort, which is a pretty small resort on a different beach from Laguna, where we previously stayed. It has a much nicer reef too. The one on Laguna's side is pretty much damaged after all the heavy sea traffic. I had a great time snorkelling. Saw a small yellow eel, and the usual colourful giant clams and fish. The corals were beautiful.

CRIR's facilities are pretty limited. The room is quite basic, with no television or bathtub. We slept early every night because there was nothing else to do. The food there is good, though. A good variety of tasty food everyday.

We walked around barefooted all the time because whenever we went into shops or to the resort restaurant, there'd be a sign saying, "No slippers allowed." So there wasn't much point in wearing any. I had told the boys to bring nicer clothes so we could take nice pictures while we were there, and here are some of the outcomes.

Like i said, there wasn't much to do. Everyday we walked all the way to the other side of the beach where Laguna and the More More Tea Inn was, and took photos. I have a whole set of photos with the huge flower heart, with both of us in different sets of clothes.

...My mom suggested that pose. She was also the one who took the picture. We never wanted to take a picture like that otherwise -.- And that's why we both look so weird.

Justin poses like that in almost all the photos i took of him.

So anyway, we spent the entire of the last day travelling. Woke up early to have our last breakfast, then took a speedboat back to the mainland. My mom chartered the boat because she didn't want to wake up super early just to catch the resort's boat.

Justin concluded the boat ride as, "Even if lifejackets weren't compulsory, after you sit on that boat you'd want one."

I told my mom, "You could've paid less for a roller coaster ride."

KS pretty much spent the whole boat ride clinging on to the railing. We thought we were going at a super fast speed until another bigger boat went right past us and off into the distance. Justin said it must've been going at the speed of OMGWTFBBQ.

We reached the mainland after an hour. None of us got seasick because the boat was going too fast for us to feel anything. From the jetty, we took a mini-van to the Kuala Trengganu airport, waited 2.5 hours for our flight, then took an hour to reach Kuala Lumpur's airport. Then we waited another 3 hours before taking another hour of flight back to Singapore. By the time we reached back, it was evening.

Overall the trip was alright. Nothing fantastic, but just a relaxing getaway. Mom says she's not going back there again. I probably wouldn't want to, either.

And last but not least,

Make your life CUILOURFUL.

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