Sunday, August 23, 2009

It makes a difference to this one.

Like i tweeted yesterday, I was at Pasir Ris Park. The tide was out, so KS and i went to take a walk down at the beach. I had him turn over horseshoe crabs to prove to him that those were crabs and not containers. Horseshoe crabs moult, so actually those are the moulted shells - no crabs were harmed in the process.

When we went back up to the grass, i saw another shell, and made him turn that over as well. To our amazement it started moving. It was alive. Some idiots probably caught it and took it up on the grass, then left it there to die. I took it back to the beach and put it in a spot with a little water. The furthest i could get. It didn't move after that though :(

I hope it's happily swimming out somewhere now.

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