Monday, August 31, 2009


As tweeted, i went for my physio at CGH this morning. After 10 minutes of warmups, then some more time for stretches, i was told that i needed a deep tissue massage for my tight ITB. It kinda went like this.

"Okay you ready? This is gonna be painful."

"Yeah, i know. I heard."



"Your reaction's a little slow huh. Okay second one."



"Three more."



"This is what happens when you don't do your stretches."

"Omg gimme a break, gimme a break."

"Okay. 10 seconds."


"Just breathe. Relax."


"Okay. 10... 9... 8... ..."



-No noise but plenty of teeth-clenching and bed-grabbing-

"Okay, done. Now the other leg."


Wow. I can't wait for the next time -.-

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