Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So for the past couple of days i've been trying to get my studies back on track a little.

As tweeted, I went to see a doctor yesterday because of an ear-nose-throat infection. Ironic thing that happened: when two of my friends asked what was wrong with me, i said, "Ear-nose-throat infection," and both said, "E.N.T.?" I hadn't realised it was such a common term. So when i went to the doctor's, she asked what was wrong with me and i replied, "E.N.T."

She asked, "What's that?"


Anyway. She said it was mild. And then proceeded to give me tablets for runny nose, tablets for sore throat, cough syrup, lozenges, and ear drops. The irony just gets worse.


Today i woke up early. I thought that i'd be able to get some things done. I spent the 3 hours before leaving home befriending the toilet and battling the bad food i had the night before. Heck i don't even know what i ate. So yes, i had an ear-nose-throat infection [which is actually getting worse, not better; sorry for lying to the people who asked] as well as diarrhoea.

Went to school for meeting, then lessons. Didn't have lunch, because i was afraid that the diarrhoea would come back. After class i immediately went for training at NIE. Didn't have my usual Mac, and figured that i could get some proper food at the NIE canteen.

It was closed.

I survived on a toblerone chocolate bar and Fabian's mee sua until now. It'll last until later, because i still have to do up powerpoint slides for my second presentation tomorrow, which i haven't started on. Yes i have two lessons tomorrow, and my groups are presenting for both.


1 comment:

Samantha Lee said...

Babe hope you get better soon.
Anyway I used to visit the ENT department in Mt Elizabeth hospital. Pretty good :)