Thursday, October 29, 2009


After yesterday's intensive upper body training [actually not very intensive la, i'm just out of practice], my shoulders and arms are now aching like ____. Which sucks, because I had to carry my bag with my laptop around all day. My arms hurt even when I just poke them.

Went for dinner with the bros to celebrate Brain's birthday. Had Astons for dinner then headed over to Starbucks at Citylink Mall to do our respective work. It felt really comfortable and I actually did stuff. Will probably bug them to go study together before exams. It's the only way i'll be productive.

Tired. And it's just the beginning of the project rush. Next week i'll be staying over in school. Not sure for how long yet.

Friday - AC213 meeting all day
Friday night - Finish AA201 balanced scorecard report part and appendix
Saturday - Study for AA203 quiz
Saturday night - Staying over at Sam's
Sunday afternoon - Celebrating Dine's birthday
Monday - Physio
Monday evening - Tax quiz
Tuesday - AA201 meeting all day; staying over

I'm not sure about my schedule for the rest of the days but there's no doubt that they'll be even more packed than this. Oh well.

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