Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Haven't done this smiley in ages. JSI used to call it the hamburger. Heh. It's a two-way smiley.


So on one hand, I hear stories of people who wouldn't even share a single piece of information about their project. I don't know who they are, but boy am I glad I haven't met anyone like this.

On the other hand, i've had several people offer to send me their cheat sheets for tax tomorrow. Offer, as in, I didn't even have to ask if I could borrow their cheat sheets. They asked if i've done up mine, and when I say no, they offer to send theirs to me.

After a year and a half of walking around school alone - a result of having a whole bunch of acquaintances but no close friends/clique to hang out with - this comes as a really nice surprise. Thank you :)


Samantha Lee said...

School can be fun at times i guess. Arrgh! the 3 local unis don't even want me :(

Loretta Sze said...

You're too good for the 3 unis, babe.

Samantha Lee said...

thanks babe, but i guess i'm just too lousy to be accepted by them.