Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Better late than never.

I skipped school today, again.

But starting today, i'm going to catch up on everything i've missed over the whole semester. I know, it's already almost the end of the sem. But it took me this long to wake up. Or rather, it took me this long to clear off everything else in my life that I thought was priority.

Discipline. I need it.


Things i've done.

I woke up. Did a few crunches. Said hello to Kinty. Had a milo.

And did work.

If I had gone to school, i'd be sitting in class, not paying attention, repeatedly picking up cards from the floor, occasionally flipping the textbook to read a line or two.

And blogging or something. ...Wait. Oops.

Today, i've finished studying the 5 chapters for diving, ACL quiz that's due today as well as next week's ACL assignment + quiz, marketing slides, AA205 slides, and packed for my trip + a bit of my wardrobe.


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