Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Object permanence.

Is it possible to combine Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory and Sigmund Freud's fixation? Okay, of course not. Unless your brain is damaged or something. But here's the idea of object permanence.

"The sensorimotor stage in a child is from birth to approximately two years. During this stage, a child has relatively little competence in representing the environment using images, language, or symbols. An infant has no awareness of objects or people that are not immediately present at a given moment. Piaget called this a lack of object permanence. Object permanence is the awareness that objects and people continue to exist even if they are out of sight. In infants, when a person hides, the infant has no knowledge that they are just out of sight. According to Piaget, this person or object that has disappeared is gone forever to the infant."

Life must've been really scary when we were babies. Funny how I can relate to that feeling now. Not literally, of course.

Fear of abandonment/loss/loneliness.

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