Thursday, September 2, 2010

What keeps me alive in school.

This morning, just like most other mornings, I woke up thinking of an excuse not to go to school. But I dragged myself out of bed anyway.

This lesson, just like most other 8.30am lessons, had a much smaller number of students in it. Luckily for me, some people I knew turned up, and I had company for that class. Then I got some stuff done, and went to meet SY for lunch, with her coursemates and YL. Thanks for the company :) I would've hated it if I had to be alone for the few hours.

Met J for his EAR801 lecture. I had expected to be doing my own work in there, but the lecture was pretty interesting and I ended up actually listening through most of it. The same didn't quite happen for the FIL250 lecture later in the evening. Between that, we took a walk to his ex-hall and took a few pictures with the Holga :)

It's kinda nice being in the same lessons as J.

Had dinner at JP, a cookies&cream milkshake, then went home. J missed his last train home just so he could send me back to Pasir Ris, despite the fact that all I was doing was sleeping next to him. Thanks <3

School's not so bad after all.

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