Friday, March 11, 2011

Dug up an old Friendster bulletin from 5 years ago.

1. My ex is...
2006: Wang Shao Wei. LOL.
2011: Apparently, now attached. Good for him! :)

2. I am listening to..
2006: Nothing.
2011: Nothing.

3. Maybe I should...
2006: Start studying. But i'll leave that for later.
2011: Start writing my essay. But i'll leave that for later.

4. I love...
2006: Chan Kwang Siong.
2011: Eggtarts. Do you love eggtarts? :)

5. My bestfriend(s)...
2006: Are insane. Are Quil, Pope and Brain. Are the girls.
2011: Are the same damn best friends I had 5 years ago. Hell, 10 years ago. Oh, with the inclusion of Jbooboo :)

6. I don't understand...
2006: How i can announce to everyone that i'm going to do something, then end up not doing it. But thankfully it doesn't really affect them.
2011: Half the things that are taught in class. But i'll leave that for later.

7. I lost...
2006: My ...
2011: ... mind?

8. People say...
2006: Moo.
2011: Moo.

10. Love is...
2006: A great pile of crap. Hey, at least i said it's great.
2011: One of the words inked on my back.

11. Somewhere, someone is...
2006: picking their nose.
2011: and flicking that booger at someone else.

12. I will always...
2006: Regret my actions.
2011: Remember.

13. Forever seems...
2006: Impossible.
2011: Like a long time away :/

14. I never want to...
2006: Lose the people i love.
2011: Lose the people i love.

15. My mobile phone...
2006: Is my precious and i can't live without it.
2011: Is an iPhone and I can't understand why I said the above in 2006.

16. When I wake up in the morning...
2006: I start to count how many hours its been since i slept. I'm not kidding. Then from there i decide if i should continue sleeping.
2011: I get out of bed, cover J with the blanket and go wash up.

17. I get annoyed when..
2006: People dash my hopes.
2011: People dash my hopes.

18. Parties are...
2006: Boring. I dislike them.
2011: Groups of people with whom you can do quests with.

19. My pets are...
2006: [Insert a picture of Kinty here]
2011: Kinty.

20. Kisses are the best when...
2006: They're on your forehead, or the back of your hand.
2011: They're the prelude to...

21. Today I...
2006: Woke up.
2011: Wasted time.

22. Tomorrow I will...
2006: Go to school in the morning and screw up my Biz Finance paper.
2011: Have fun.

23. I really want...
2006: to get straight As for my exam.
2011: some chocolate right now :D

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