Thursday, May 12, 2011

I can feel my life coming back to me.

J and I were talking the other day about how he always has activities lined up for himself whenever we don't meet, while i'm pretty much just rotting around. He says it's because usually when he spends time with me, there are some things that he wants to do but I don't want to, and he KIVs it for when he's got time for himself.

Plus I haven't exactly been feeling interested in anything very much recently. Everytime I want to do something, it just reminds me of how I also have work to do, which I should probably prioritize.

And then I end up sleeping, because sleep is above all.

But I just felt it. The whole ZOMGICAN'TWAIT feeling. While watching a video on how to do blanket stitches. AAAAAHHHHHHHH I wanna start making felt animals/things! If I get good enough, who knows, I could even spin that into a business and that would be even better than importing accessories from overseas.

Can't wait can't wait :)

Oh excitement, how I have missed you.

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