Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sometimes, all you need.

Today, I went for dinner with my poly friends. Only 3 of us turned up, but I guess it was good enough. Chatted a bit with Yuxiu after Yvonne left. I'll meet her for lunch again sometime soon, even though it's pretty far away. And will probably meet Von for Kbox soon too :)

Came home and decided to go on MSN to catch up with people I haven't talked to in a while. Chatted with Lydon, Tee Wee, Yen Leong, Wei Huang, Hannah and Ruby on MSN and Whatsapp. It's nice to chat with them again, and it also feels nice to be a listening ear rather than need one.

Also made plans with Quil/Brain, Elin/Crunchy and the Soul Funky OGs :D

This came as a much-needed reminder that I still have a life outside of what I was living. I guess i've just spent too long making myself readily available all the time. So often I find myself staying at home rotting, just in case I get mobilized. Was that worth it? I don't know. I'm just thankful my friends didn't decide to ditch me because of what I did.

Guys, you think having a recall period for NS is bad? Trying being a girl in love.

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