Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nostalgia :)

Went out with poly friends for dinner again, this time to celebrate Sharon's belated birthday. We celebrated her birthday at Sakae two years in a row -.-

It was really great catching up with them again, although it hasn't been very long since we last met up. Since the last time, complaints about our new lives have dwindled as we all get used to what lies ahead for the next few years. We still lament and everything, and it's nice to know people who are in more or less the same boat.

After that, Sharon drove me back and we had a long chat about uni life. Talked about lots of things that i would blog about if i could remember all of it, but unfortunately i can't.

Just a few years ago, we stepped into poly, behaving like the kids we were, talking about playing pool, mahjong, having picnics at Pasir Ris Park and watching movies. Now, here we are talking about the economy, job prospects, property, cars... How we've grown. And i'm glad to have done so in such a comfortable environment with fantastic company.

Thanks people :) It's really great to have you guys around.

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