Saturday, November 29, 2008

Superrrr cool!

It's 12.30am on Saturday and i just got home after Pop, Lock and dinnering with a whole bunch of people. I know i should be showering right now, but seriously this is waaay too cool to blog later.

So first there was Leonard, his brother Lionel, their friend Chayut who's Thai and is one of Singapore's national badminton players [he insists he's here to study and not 'imported' by the Singapore government LOL]. Melissa and her two friends Magdalene and Vivian [i'm not sure if i got all the names right] joined us later. Okay from here, the story gets just a little messy.

Melissa was so excited about Chayut knowing Ronald Susilo personally. She actually went, "Hmmm, now that he's no longer with Li Jia Wei..." LOL. I think she might just try hunting him down one day =/

Vivian is my secondary schoolmate O_O We found each other familiar, then she asked me. Turns out she's Geraldine's classmate :) And Magdalene eventually asked me if i knew Zoe, i think she's Zoe's coursemate or something in SMU.

Small world.

And then. And then. And then.

Justin came! No not my brother. He's Leonard's friend and he's a card flourisher. Not just any card flourisher, he's like THE best. If you're wondering whatever on earth card flourishing is, don't worry. About an hour ago i was wondering too. Click on the link, it's really cool, trust me :)

He did some magic tricks that completely baffled us... the girls at least. I realised that magic is such a girl-magnet lol.

Waaah. Justin's super cool. He can do really cool stuff with cards, he's fun, plus he's humourous and stuff. I think that makes him pretty charming. [Don't be mistaken, i'm not smitten or anything. I just don't usually hide compliments.]

Bah. It's unfair. Why does Leonard have such cool friends? [Nooo i'm not shooting my own social circle! :(]

Had a really enjoyable dinner :D K now i shall go shower. Going swimming later.

Oh and with reference to the previous post? I didn't manage to go to the studio until today, and by today the SMU students might probably have finished their exams. [Hah excuses i'm just too cowardly to do what i wanted to do.]

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