Saturday, November 29, 2008

What a week.

It's hard to imagine that only a week has passed since my exams ended. I've been doing quite a lot over the past week that it felt like ages.

My exams ended on Monday, after which i went for dinner with my classmates.
Tuesday i slacked at home before meeting KS for dinner at PS, and we walked along Orchard Road to see the Christmas lights.
I can't really remember what i did on Wednesday, except that i went to meet my classmates for dinner at Holland V, after which we had some drinks at Wala Wala.
On Thursday i pretty much Mapled the day away, then went to KS's to re-watch Enchanted together and stayed over there.
Friday after KS sent me home, i went ice-skating with my classmates before heading to the studio for Pop and Lock, and whatever that you see in the post below :)

Today? I went swimming at Yishun SAFRA with KS and his sister, then had Seoul Garden for lunch/dinner. Will be going to SAFYC tomorrow to support KS at his mahjong competition.

Whoo. I hope the rest of my holidays continues to be fulfilling :D [Edit: Maybe not. First the Wine Appreciation Workshop was postponed due to a lack of people, and i just received an email telling me that i wasn't shortlisted for the Kids World thing due to overwhelming response. What to do what to do...]

Just found some nice music in imeem. Piano stuff, by Yiruma. It's very soothing, go listen :)

Oh yus, stupid Quil.

-phone rings while napping, Ta picks up phone- "Yesss?"
"Hello jie can you hear me?"
"Yeah why leh?"
"Nothing la just trying out my new phone."

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