Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The rebound from a bad day is always fantastic. As they say, don't be discouraged when you hit rock bottom, at least each subsequent step you take is upwards [it sounds better in Chinese -.-]

I'm the only person separated from all my other classmates. Most of the others have at least one other ex-classmate with them; i have completely none. Yesterday i was upset, and took it as i was isolated. Now i feel much better, i guess i look at it as an opportunity to make new friends :)

I'm never in the same class as Rachel -.- Currently i'm alone in a class with some of her ex-classmates, and she's alone in a class with my ex-classmates. Wth -.-

Having a considerably better day. Will be in school until 9.30pm. Lalala.

Edit: I can't believe it. I was so happily updating about my great day in school today, and IE crashes on me. And no, since i'm editing the post, there isn't autosave. So i lost the whole long thing.

Not going to update about it again now. Too annoyed.

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