Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I can only...

Laugh. Heh.

It's just one of those bad days. The ones that life throw at me to make me feel abandoned. And it started promptly at midnight.

Only less than 12 hours to go. Soul Funky, save my soul.

Edit [1401090040]: It was pretty cool actually. I don't think i've ever felt so alone in school before.

After spending some time alone in the free access labs, i went to buy myself a sandwich and wandered aimlessly around school. Found myself sitting alone in a secluded corner near Nanyang Audi, where Soul Funky's last session was [that was only because of the hall studio mix-up]. Ate my sandwich, stared into space, then headed for my next class.

In which i knew no one. Not a single person. Everyone else already knew some others. I was so alone that i had a two-seat radius next to me on both sides. Lol. But the tutor is nice, albeit slow [she only managed to cover half the tutorial questions].

I've already spent a semester in school, and yet i still have no clique. It's not something i'd like to boast about. Had a lecture after that and sat with my classmates. Great people, love them, but i don't have a single close friend there. So pathetic that when we were choosing project groups for one of the classes, i just sat there and told the friend next to me, "I'll just sit here and wait for someone to take me."

Went for Soul Funky training after that, and was considerably happier. We went to use the stage in Nanyang Audi; it was fantastic. Felt tiny on that huge stage. We only left at like 10pm, after Lance said he heard something and we all got freaked out.

This sem's really going to be packed with dance, and i really mean packed. Probably going to be training almost every day. But in a way it's a good thing.

Since Soul Funky is more or less the only thing keeping me alive in school.

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