Saturday, April 11, 2009

I always say...

I want to do this and that after my exams, but usually i never complete what's on my list. But still it's worth having something to look forward to at this moment.

- Dinner/hang out with the bros after my last paper on 22nd :)
- Steamboat with poly friends on 24th :)
- Swim/movie/anything with babes anytime :)
- Soul Funky?
- Check out internet business, again.
- Fitness training with Quil, lol.
- Redang in June
- Taiwan in July

Trying to resist the temptation to shop until i go to Taiwan :D

I haven't been working very hard in preparation for exams. It's difficult trying to catch up after i've missed so much, and to some extent i've given up. I'm already at the bottom of the bell curve, so i just hope that i'll pass all of my subjects.

It's not easy falling right to the bottom after spending much of my life being at least average.

But it doesn't matter. I'm surviving, and grades aren't everything. My life's great :)

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