Friday, September 18, 2009

The irony.

I'm trying to cut down on my internet usage.

Yes, to pull up my miserable grades. I haven't done a single tutorial since school started [except for those questions that i have to present]. I keep telling myself that i want to study, then i'll end up spending the entire day watching Wizards or doing some other stuff. K, so here's what i propose.

Internet usage each day limited to a maximum of [including on ipod]:
- 2x blog updates & views
- 2x twitter; tweeting unlimited
- 2x Facebook, each session 15 minutes
- 2x MLIA
- 1x Not Always Right
- 3x Youtube videos
- Other leisure, maximum of 30 minutes

Can remain online besides these, but must be for school work or educational purposes e.g. learning how to skateboard.

Yes, this is already cutting down by a lot. So you can see the extent of my internet addiction. It was worse before, especially when i was playing games like AuditionSEA and MapleSEA.

The rest of my free time should be spent on:
- Exercise/stretches: 30 minutes
- Skateboard/dance/other hobby: 1 hour
- Nap: 30 minutes
- Study: 23086796135105 hours

I have a feeling i'm going to find ways to circumvent my own system. They're called excuses.

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