Friday, February 12, 2010

What we learn in school + V-Day

Today, our Prof told us a case about an employee of the TAS [what Singtel was formerly known as] who changed the name on the cheque after getting it signed by authorized personnel - her name was Tasy Tan. So basically she added the back part and had the cheques paid out to her instead.

Prof: So the moral of the story? Name your children correctly. Like DBS or something.

We're trained fraudsters. Don't pray pray.

Prof Tan is awesome :D


My brother has been complaining that it's his 17th Valentine's Day alone. Guess what? It's my 17th Valentine's Day alone too.


Beach. Sunset. Clear water. Sound of waves. Soft breeze. Lover.

Back to being a dream.


piNk^maRo said...

heys love :) hopefully someone will date you out that day!

Loretta Sze said...

lol. you date me la :)