Sunday, May 23, 2010


This morning on the way home, I heard a song on the radio. I don't know what song it is, but I recognised it from the video that was made by the A&F IG main comm for our Celebration of Learning. And then I heard it again in Aunty Jo's car when we were returning home from dinner.

Unfortunately the video has been taken down, or I would've posted it here.

Poly life was awesomely fun. So carefree. It was really my turning point [though I ended up turning back during Uni, but that's besides the point]. Made so many friends and by the end of 3 years, almost everyone knew everyone else. Had time to have fun and still get work done properly. Heck, even working on projects together was fun.

A bit sad that after Uni year 1, I changed back to the quiet person I was in secondary school. It's a good thing I have Soul Funky to keep me insane though [yes, insane; not a typo]. And of course, in year 2 sem 2, school turned from a hellhole to a place of security.

Those Soul Funky trainings almost every night. Training hard together even though we were all exhausted. I miss it.

But I miss hall the most. The place where everything was perfect and even if it wasn't, it would end up being okay eventually. The simple happiness. I don't know why, but I miss it so, so much.

"Buildings crumble. People die. Friends move away. But your memory of them will always stand. And they will be as real there, inside you, as they were when they were standing next to you.

Your memories are real. They are the dreams of the past. And they will live with you always."

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