Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Soul Funky Memories: I Wanted You

For some reason, the song ‘I Wanted You’ started playing in my head this morning. I’d say stuck in my head, but that’s not exactly the right phrase to use when I’m actually playing it on repeat now.

I know that ever since I stepped into NTU, I’ve been saying that I hate the place, that I have no friends, and that I just want to get my degree and get out of there.

Yet, now, all I can think of is how much I’ll miss everything when it’s all over.

Not surprisingly, all the good memories I have of school involve Soul Funky. Heck, practically all the memories I have of school involve Soul Funky [J is included under Soul Funky]. Which is why I’ve always said that if it wasn’t for Soul Funky, I wouldn’t be in NTU. And I guess that’s who/what I’ll miss.

Here I am, sitting in the office doing work, but in my mind, I’m sitting at the table in Hall 16 studio that isn’t supposed to be there. It’s a mess with all our drinks, bags and laptops. It’s after Soul Funky training and TK has taken over with his hall dancers. We’re watching amusedly as Fabian does his stretching… for his Strawberry. We laugh at Bangbang doing the couple part and YB trying to learn the girl’s choreo. And after we’re finally done, we head to Macs for dinner. Then back home/hall.
The simple things that kept me alive.

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