Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random stuff i'm doing instead of studying.

Took a break from work and ended up doing a ton of other stuff. I've had 'What If' playing on repeat for like two hours already, and I was just updating my list of favourite IWTFY quotes when I came across this.

"I never saw you again. You slammed the door as you came in. We yelled at each other about something that just shouldn't fucking matter but for some reason, it does. It happened. We spoke softly. We were in bed. I told you

"I love you."

You said the same. We went to movies and parties and friends and ate and drank and made love.

It all ended with my eyes meeting yours for the first time and the sudden, extreme feeling of expectation.

And now, how can I miss what has never existed."

Similar idea as the 'What If' MV.

Nothing much la. Just that I was going through my old LJ entries and this really spoke to me at this point.

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